Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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775 lines
$VER: Developer.doc V2.08 (31.07.1994)
Copyright 1994 by Delirium Softdesign
(Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel)
DeliTracker Development Documentation
2.1 Normal Players
2.2 Custom Modules
2.3 Interrupts
3.1 Generic Kind
3.2 Converter
3.3 Decruncher
3.4 NotePlayer
DeliTracker can be extended with external code. From DOS sight external
code for DeliTracker is nothing else than an executable object file
that contains a characteristic structure at the beginning of first code
hunk. When DeliTracker has loaded such external code it evaluates this
structure. It consists of three parts: one longword of code, two longs
used as identifier and at last a pointer to a taglist. The first long
usually contains a moveq #-1,d0 and a rts instruction. This prevents a
system crash if a user accidentally tries to run a normal genie or player
from shell. To get a program that works without DeliTracker, too, you
can change this to a bra.w to your own startup code. You should use the
PLAYERHEADER macro from 'deliplayer.i' to create this structure. It has
two parameters: a pointer to the tag array and a pointer to the optional
PLAYERHEADER <tagarray>,[startup]
tagarray Pointer to a tag array, terminated with TAG_DONE.
startup Pointer to optional startup code. Only set if you
need to make the code run without DeliTracker.
This option is sometimes useful for debugging
Note: In case the startup code is called you have
to do anything by your own! The startup option
does not make sense in most cases. Use rarely.
This taglist contains all informations that DeliTracker must know. We
have choosen to use a tag array because it is extremely flexible and
extensible. For the other direction the external code has the limited
ability to check the internal program state by looking at the DeliTracker
Global structure. It can also take advance of inbuild support functions.
At the moment DeliTracker knows two different types of external code:
1) Players they have the task to identify and play a modules.
2) Genies can perform several other things. This includes module
conversion, extended decrunch support and information display.
Both types can run synchronusly or asynchronusly. The term synchronuns
means that the player or the genie is not running as seperate task.
DeliTracker will communicate with the genie or player using real fuction
calls (jsr). In asynchronus mode DeliTracker will spawn an own process
for the player or genie. Now DeliTracker uses a message based interface
to "call" the functions of the external code. In general genies tend to
run asynchronus whereas player run synchronous. If a player or genie is
running asynchronously a CTRL-C signal must terminate it. As you see
DeliPlayers and DeliGenies are very similiar. Indeed DeliTracker handles
them in the same way but of course in two sperate lists. All external
code that has set the DTP_CustomPlayer, DTP_Check1 or DTP_Check2 tag is
a player. The rest is threated as genie.
If a player or genie has a GUI it should offer the following menu items:
About A ? Displays a short info
Save Prefs A S Save the current settings as default
Hide A H Hide the GUI
Quit A Q Remove the Player/Genie (same as CTRL-C)
Activate A A Activates the window if the GUI is opened
Popup A P Opens the GUI after loading
Other settings Other genie specific settings, see the
·············· particular genie documentation.
Some general things:
A good point to start with is to read the supplied example sources. To
get an idea how DeliTracker calls the player routines see 'Testplayer.s'.
Configuration files should not be saved to ENV:. Instead they should be
stored in DeliTracker's default configuration directory. The path of this
directory can be found in the 'DeliConfig' ENV-Variable. If this variable
is not set the configuration should be saved to 'PROGDIR:DeliConfig'.
Your player should not change the LED (Filter) state because DeliTracker
will handle this. Besides the interrupt routine any other subroutine may
trash any register. When DeliTracker calls a player function (exept the
interrupt routine) a5 will contain the address to the global player data
structure (Base).
It is not difficult to adapt a player if you have the replayroutine.
You only need to write some interfacecode. DeliTracker has some helpful
builtin routines that will make this job a lot easier. To adapt a new
soundsystem you need the replayroutine of that soundsystem, and some
modules for testing the adaption. At the beginning of an external
player you can find the characteristic playerstructure. DeliTracker
distinguishes between two kinds: normal players and custom modules.
2.1 Normal Players
Normal players identify and play modules. They must allways have a
check routine. This is the schematic structure of a normal player:
{ player header } identifies the objectfile
{ tag array } description of the playerfuntions.
{ interfacecode } playername/registerconversion/checkcode...
{ replaycode } replay code itself
{ optional data } optional data
In order to recognize different moduleformats every player must contain
a specific routine, that tells DeliTracker if the player can play this
module or not. This routine has the task to check certain positions in
the module that are identical in every module (like 'M.K.' at offset
$438 in NoiseTracker modules) or significant assembler instructions (if
the module contains the player). Testing against one or two branches or
jumps is NOT enough, cause many modules with player have branchtables at
the beginning of the module. If the player recognizes a wrong module, it
is likely that a system crash will result! So be very careful with the
ckeck routine. There are two different types of check functions but your
player must use exactly one check routine.
a) DTP_Check1: The check function is called after DeliTracker has
loaded 1K of the file. This has the advantage that you can implement
players that can load the module by itself. The disadvantage is that
you don't profit from the internal packsupport and of course it is
more complex to write such players. Use this type only where you must
load the module by yourself!
b) DTP_Check2: The check function is called after the module is loaded
and decrunched. This is the easy way. All memory allocation, loading
and decrunching is done by DeliTracker.
Regardless of the playertype the checkfunction must return d0.l=0 if
the player can handle this module or d0.l<>0 if not.
2.2 Custom modules
This is a very special thing: Custom modules contain replay and sound
data, both relocatable. They don't contain a check routine. With the
custom module interface you can adapt almost every module. If you have
more modules with the same replay routine we suggest to write an own
player for this moduleformat.
{ player header } identifies the objectfile
{ tag array } description of the playerfuntions.
{ interfacecode } playername/registerconversion/checkcode...
{ replaycode } replay code itself
{ optional data } optional data
{ SOUND DATA } music data (the module)
2.3 Interrupts
Players can be divided in two categories:
a) Player that uses the internal timer interrupt from DeliTracker
Advantage: The player is independent from the selected videomode
The player has automatically the faster/slower function. No expense
for interrupthandling (interrupt structure and the insert/remove
code). Compatible with the serial.device.
b) Player that generates their own interrupt
Advantage: You can use other interrupt sources (like AudioIRQ)
Disadvantage: You have to handle the interrupts by yourself, and if
you use VBlank the player is not independent to the videomode.
If you use your own timerinterrupt you should allocate CIAB because
under 2.x the CIAA is used by the system. Do not to run the soundcode
directly in the timerinterrupt. Instead you should Cause() a SoftInt in
the timer interrupt and execute the routine in the SoftInt. This is to
assure maximum compatibility for modem users because the SoftInt has a
lower priority thant the RBF interrupt. Beware of writing directly to
the 680x0 intvectors! You should use AddIntServer() or SetIntVector()
from the OS.
As said Genies can 'help' DeliTracker to perform different tasks. At the
moment four different functionalitys are distinguished: output of notes
(not to be mixed up with players), decrunching and conversion of Modules
and finaly acting on the current module.
3.1 Generic Kind
This kind of genie can do many things (e.g display informations). Of
course neither the module nor DeliTracker's global structure may be
changed to obtain the desired informations. Usually this type will use
DTP_InitPlay/DTP_EndPlay to get notified when the module changes.
3.2 Converter
This genie has the task to change a module. E.g. it can convert one
format into another or change the size of the module. It is identified
by the special tag DTP_Convert. This tag contains the address of the
conversion function. DeliTracker will call this function at the right
3.3. Decruncher
This kind of genie enhances DeliTracker's dtg_LoadFile() function.
The calling interface is not documented yet beacuse this part may
still change.
3.4 Noteplayer
This genie type will convert/redirect 'Notes' to the actualy used
audiohardware. The interface is not documented yet beacuse this
part is still under development.
In addition to the system tags (TAG_DONE, TAG_IGNORE, TAG_MORE, TAG_SKIP)
this tags may be used:
DTP_CustomPlayer (BOOL) - this tag identifies a player as customplayer.
If this tag is used the following tags are ignored:
DTP_RequestDTVersion (UWORD) - only if the DeliTracker version is greater
than or equal to the requested version (ti_Data) will
DeliTracker accept the player. If your player uses
functions that were introduced in later revisions of
DeliTracker you must set this tag according to the version
that introduced this function.
DTP_RequestKickVersion (ULONG) - set this tag to the required OS version.
DTP_PlayerVersion (ULONG) - Tag that contains the version (high word) and
revision number (low word) of the player. If there are two
players with same name the player with the higher version
is used.
DTP_PlayerName (STRPTR) - ti_Data contains a pointer to the playername.
This string may be as long as you wish, but only the first
24 chars are actually used. This tag must exist !
DTP_Creator (STRPTR) - pointer to the author/adaptor name. This string
is visible in the prefs window if the player is selected.
The string may contain $A as line separator.
DTP_Check1 (FPTR) - pointer to a module identification routine. This
routine is called after the first 1024 bytes of the module
are loaded. If the module is shorter, the rest will contain
zero. If the routine recognizes the moduleformat it must
return d0=0 else d0<>0.
DTP_Check2 (FPTR) - pointer to a module identification routine. This
routine is called after the complete module is loaded (and
decrunched). If the routine recognizes the module it must
return d0=0 else d0<>0.
DTP_Extload (FPTR) - pointer to a optional loadroutine for modules. If
an error occurs return d0<>0 else d0=0. Please remember to
free all allocated resources (memory, locks,...), because
no further player function is called.
DTP_Interrupt (FPTR) - pointer to a interruptroutine. This routine is
called every 1/50 sec. via a timer.device. Note: your
interruptroutine is not executed in the timerinterrupt
itself. This is the standard method for gaining the
correct playspeed regardless of the videomode. If the
DTP_Faster/DTP_Slower pointers are not supplied,
DeliTracker emulates this by changing the interrupt
frequency. If this tag doesn't exist, you must supply
DTP_Stop (FPTR) - pointer to optional stop routine. If this tag does not
exist, DeliTracker uses the following standard method:
stop interrupt (DTP_StopInt)
cleanup sound (DTP_EndSnd)
reinitialize the song (DTP_InitSnd)
This routine will stop playing the song, reset the
'patterncounter' to the begin and change the playspeed
to default. This means that the interrupt is started
again and the song should begin to play from the
DTP_Config (FPTR) - pointer to an optional initialising routine. This
routine is only called once after the player is loaded.
Purpose: The player could load a specific configfile.
Must return d0=0 if all is ok else d0<>0. In case of an
error DeliTracker will remove this player.
DTP_UserConfig (FPTR) - pointer to a optional initialising routine. This
routine is called if the user selects the 'Config' button
in the prefswindow. Purpose: The player could open a player
specific configwindow for setting special options (e.g
instrumentpath for a sonix player) and saving them into a
DTP_SubSongRange (FPTR) - Obsolete, please use DTP_NewSubSongRange!
This tag should be supplied if the player supports
multimodules. ti_Data points to a function that returns
in d0 the minimum and in d1 the maximum subsong number.
DTP_InitPlayer (FPTR) - pointer to an initialising routine, that is
called if a module is loaded successfully. Must return
d0=0 if all is ok else d0<>0. The audioallocation must be
done here. (DeliTracker has a function that does the
allocation.) If the player supports subsongs it has to set
dtg_SndNum(a5) to the first subsongnumber. If a routine
for DTP_SubSongRange exists, DeliTracker performs this for
you and you may omit the initialization for dtg_SndNum(a5).
DTP_EndPlayer (FPTR) - pointer to a cleanuproutine, that is called if the
module is removed from memory. Audiochannels have to be
freed here. (Use the DeliTracker internal supportroutine)
DTP_InitSound (FPTR) - pointer to an optional initialising routine. This
routine has the task to (re)initialize the module. If the
interrupt is started the song should begin to play at the
DTP_EndSound (FPTR) - pointer to an optional cleanuproutine. For example
it can be used to reset the volumeregister or the audiodma.
DTP_StartInt (FPTR) - pointer to an initialising routine, that must exist
if DTP_Interrupt doesn't exist. It has the task to start
the sound.
DTP_StopInt (FPTR) - pointer to a cleanuproutine, that must exist if
DTP_Interrupt doesn't exist. It has the task to stop the
DTP_Volume (FPTR) - pointer to function that sets the volume. This
function is called every time the volume is changed (via
arexx or slider) and once at the initialising phase of the
module (before DTP_InitSnd is called). The mastervolume can
be found in dtg_SndVol(a5). The mastervolume is the highest
volume allowed. The effective volume can be calculated
using the following formula:
VOL_eff=( ( MASTERVOLUME*modulevolume ) >>6 ).
See also the example sources.
DTP_Balance (FPTR) - pointer to a function that sets the balance. This
function is called every time the balance is changed (via
arexx or slider) and once at the initialising phase of the
module (before tf_InitSnd is called). The balance for the
left channel can be found in dtg_SndLBal(a5), for the right
channel in dtg_SndRBal(a5). Note: All players that support
balance are capable of volume too! Then you must use the
same routine for both operations. The mastervolume for the
left channels can be calculated with this formula:
LeftMaster =( ( dtg_Volume(a5)*dtg_SndLBal(a5) ) >>6 ).
For the right channels the formula is similar.
DTP_Faster (FPTR) - pointer to a function that increases the playspeed.
DTP_Slower (FPTR) - pointer to a function that decreases the playspeed.
DTP_NextPatt (FPTR) - pointer to a function that increases the
DTP_PrevPatt (FPTR) - pointer to a function that decreases the
DTP_NextSong (FPTR) - pointer to a function that increases the
subsongcounter (only if the subsong exists).
DTP_PrevSong (FPTR) - pointer to a function that decreases the
subsongcounter (only if the subsong exists).
;--- tags in revision 14 or higher (distributed as Release 1.35) ---
DTP_SubSongTest (FPTR) - The tag is only evaluated if DTP_SubSongRange
exits too. ti_Data points to a routine that returns
a boolean value. This indicates if the subsong number
dtg_SubNum(a5) is valid (d0=0) or not (d0<>0). This tag
is only necessary for players where not every subsong
in the subsong range is existant.
;--- tags in revision 16 or higher (distributed as Release 2.01) ---
DTP_NewSubSongRange (APTR) - enhanced replacement for DTP_SubSongRange.
This tag should be supplied if the player supports
multimodules. ti_Data is a pointer to an array of three
WORDs: The first word contains the default subsong that
should be played at first. The second contains the minimum
and the third the maximum subsong number. In most cases
the first and the second word will be equal.
DTP_DeliBase (APTR) - the address of a pointer where DT will
store a pointer to the DeliGlobals
DTP_Flags (ULONG) - contains various Flags.
Currently the following flags are defined:
PLYF_CUSTOM - player is a customplayer
PLYF_SONGEND - this player supports songend
PLYF_ANYMEM - modules of this player can be stored
anywhere, chipmem is not required
DTP_CheckLen (ULONG) - Length of the check Code. Set this tag only if
the check code is PC-relative and reentrant! If set this
enables DeliTracker to swap out the player code.
DTP_Description (APTR) - Pointer to a string that describes what this
player/genie does and what special features it has. The
string may contain $A as line separator.
DTP_Decrunch (FPTR) - private, still under development!
DTP_Convert (FPTR) - pointer to a module conversion routine. This routine
is called after a module has been loaded and decrunched. It
has the task to convert the module from one to another
module format. The conversion routine works usually the
following way: 1) recognize source format
2) allocate memory for target format with
3) convert source to target format
This routine returns NULL if a conversion took place
(success) and -1 in any other case (error). Make sure that
the conversion routine does not change the source module!
Note: for temporary memory allocations you can use the
exec memoryhandling functions as well. But be aware that
memory of the final converted module must be allocated with
DeliTracker's dtg_AllocListData()!
DTP_NotePlayer (APTR) - private, still under development!
DTP_NoteStruct (APTR) - private, still under development!
DTP_NoteInfo (APTR) - private, still under development!
DTP_NoteSignal (FPTR) - private, still under development!
DTP_Process (FPTR) - pointer to process entry code. If this tag is set
DeliTracker will start the player or genie as seperate
DTP_Priority (BYTE) - priority of the created process. Only in
conjunction with DTP_Process possible. If this tag is
omitted, the new process will have the same priority
as DeliTracker.
DTP_StackSize (ULONG) - stack size of the created process. Only in
conjunction with DTP_Process possible. If this tag is
omitted, the stacksize will be set to 4096 bytes.
DTP_MsgPort (APTR) - address of a pointer where DT will store the port
address to which DT will send it's messages. Only in
conjunction with DTP_Process useful.
DTP_Appear (FPTR) - pointer to a routine that opens/activates the genie
or player GUI. Returns the old window state (<>0 if the
window was already opened else 0). Note: Make sure that
you open on the right screen! See dtg_LockPubScreen() and
DTP_Disappear (FPTR) - pointer to a routine that closes the GUI. This
routine must return the old window state (0 if the window
was already closed or <>0 if it was open).
DTP_ModuleName (APTR) - address of a pointer to the real module name.
The string must be null terminated. This Tag is for
players only and is evaluated after InitPlay().
DTP_FormatName (APTR) - address of a pointer to the real format name.
The string must be null terminated. This Tag is for
convert genies only and is evaluated after the Convert()
function has been called.
DTP_AuthorName (APTR) - not implemented yet!
;--- tags in revision 17 or higher (distributed as Release 2.07) ---
DTP_InitNote (FPTR) - private, still under development!
DTP_PlayTime (APTR) - not implemented yet!
DeliTracker provides some support functions that can be called from genies
and players. Every function is called like this:
move.l dtg_XXX(a5),a0 ; a5 must contain the base
jsr (a0)
All functions (exept dtg_SongEnd/dtg_SetTimer) use d0/d1/a0/a1 as scratch
register. A5 must contain the base (exept dtg_SongEnd/dtg_SetTimer).
Currently the following functions are available:
memory size = dtg_GetListData(number)
A0 D0 D0.l
Returns the address and the length of a file that was
loaded with dtg_LoadFile().
number - number of the file beginning with 0 for the file
that was selected by the user.
memory - startaddress of the files in memory, if error 0.
size - length of the loaded file in bytes or 0 in case of
an error
success = dtg_LoadFile(name)
Loads and decrunches the specified file to chipmemory.
Note: this function automatically adds '.pp' to the
name - store the filename in the internal buffer
(dtg_PathArray contains a pointer to this buffer)
success - success d0.l=0, else d0.l<>0.
Copies the directory of the selected file at the end
of the string, that dtg_PathArray points to.
Copies the filename of the selected file at the end
of the string, that dtg_PathArray points to.
a0 contains the address of a string, which is copied at
the end of the string that dtg_PathArray points to.
string - a0 contains the pointer to the string
success = dtg_AudioAlloc()
Allocates the audiochannels
success - if we got them: d0.l=0, else d0.l<>0.
Frees the audiochannels that were allocated with
Starts the soundinterrupt. If DTP_Interrupt exists,
DeliTracker starts the internal timer interrupt,
else DTP_StartInt is called.
Stops the soundinterrupt. If DTP_Interrupt exists,
DeliTracker stops the internal timerinterrupt, else
DTP_StopInt is called.
Signals DeliTracker, that the module was played once.
This function doesn't change any registers and is save
to call from interrupts.
Removes the suffix '.pp', '.im', '.xpk' at the end of the
string, that dtg_PathArray points to.
;------ extensions in revision 14 (distributed as Release 1.34)
Programs the timer with the value that is stored in
dtg_Timer(a5). This function doesn't change any
registers and is save to call from interrupts.
;------ extensions in revision 15 (distributed as Release 1.37)
Waits a particular amount of time before returning.
This amount of time is enough for the audio hardware
to set new values. This function is only allowed if
the internal timer-interrupt is used. Use it instead
of the usual dbra or rasterline dma wait's in the
replayer's interruptcode. This function doesn't change
any registers.
;------ extensions in revision 16 (distributed as release 2.01)
screen = dtg_LockScreen()
Try to lock the screen on which DeliTracker is running.
This is allways a pubscreen.
Screenpointer in d0 or NULL on failure.
this function unlocks DeliTracker's screen. Note: do not
unlock a screen more times than you have locked it!
this call plays the notes specified in the current NoteStruct
structure. This function call is not allowed if the active
player doesn't have a valid NotePlayer structure.
Note: This call is guaranteed to preserve all registers. It
is save to call from interrupt, if the interrupt level is 4
or lower.
current NoteStruct.
memory = dtg_AllocListData(byteSize,Flags)
D0 D0.l D1.l
This is the memory allocator function for module specific memory
to be used by all players and genies. It provides a means of
specifying that the allocation should be made in a memory area
accessible to the chips, or accessible to shared system memory.
If the allocation is successful, DeliTracker will keep track of
the new block and dtg_GetListData()) will return the location and
size of this block.
byteSize - the size of the desired block in bytes.
Flags - flags that are passed through to AllocMem().
A pointer to the newly allocated memory block is returned in d0.
If there are no free memory regions large enough to satisfy the
request, zero will be returned. The pointer must be checked
for zero before the memory block may be used!
Free a region of memory allocated with AllocListData(),
returning it to the system pool from which it came.
memoryBlock - pointer of the memory block to free, may be NULL.